Old world charm wins gold!

It was 1875 when Mrs. Walker and Madame Charbonnel opened their first chocolate boutique together. For this seasonal collection we reimagined the first Christmas in their beautiful store, wrapping up their precious chocolates for their customers. It reminds us of how much we love shopping at a physical store.
Our design for the range brought this old-world charm to life in a magical bird’s eye view of the store at Christmas time. The perfectly round Boite Blanche box makes it extra special.
This success of the range was incredible and on the back of this we entered the design in the Fab Awards where we won GOLD!
Our @charbonnel1875 packaging has scooped a gold @thefabawards – we couldn’t be more pleased for our wonderful client, our talented collaborator @katelarsen_illustration and the team at Together Design. Whoop.

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