for creativity

Together Design

At Together Design we believe that creativity in education must become a priority. We think every young person’s imagination should be nurtured to develop the inventive curiosity that will empower them to change the world for the better. Yet funding for the arts in primary schools is shrinking rapidly and the skills we need to nourish are being devalued and underfunded. We set out to do something about it.

  • Visual identity
  • Campaign
  • Illustration
  • Digital and social

Cut Paper Not Arts

We began by spending time at Henry Maynard Primary School, near our studio in Walthamstow. We took bundles of paper, scissors and glue, and set the kids a challenge. We asked them to pick a creative word, think about what it means to them, then bring it to life through collage. Cut it, rip it, stick it, then draw on top. We encouraged them to explore their imaginations, try things out, make mistakes and see what happens. Everyone had a go – 240 kids aged between seven and ten years old took part.

Together Design
Together Design

Kits for creativity

The work of those creative superheroes inspired our Perfectly Put Together Cut Paper Not Arts collection which included craft bundles, creative kits, workshop materials, tote bags, t-shirts and more. All profits from this collection went towards art materials for our local primary school in Walthamstow.

Together Design
Together Design
Together Design Food Packaging Design

A celebration of making

After the collection launched, we designed a booklet with the 40 best posters created by the children at Henry Maynard Primary school, then returned to the school to hold an awards ceremony.  Every participating child received a booklet and the top 20 winning contestants got a campaign tote bag, t-shirt and creativity craft kit.

Together Design
Together Design
Together Design
Together Design

During lockdown, we gave free arts activity kits to local children, to keep them inspired and creatively challenged during a difficult time.

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